Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is no longer about keywords density only. Google has seen himself having the responsibility of driving the improvement of the internet usage. In order to achieve this goal, Google has included lots of technical factors in organic search (SEO) ranking. In below, we are going to explain a few factors that Google or other search engines considered in their ranking score for websites. 

Mobile Usability

Mobile usability is about responsive websites. Responsive is a technical term used in the industry to represent a website is capable to deliver readable content to users no matter how wide the screen size is. Today, mobile traffic has already overtaken desktop traffic. Google considers responsive websites as a must. 

Website Security

Internet security has come more important than ever. Lots of personal information have been stolen through insecurity wifi network. To prevent this from happening on your clients, getting an SSL certificate is one of the ways. SSL certificate is also known as the Secure Sockets Layer. It encrypts data from the browser to the server. No one in the middle could decrypts the message without the private and public key. 

Loading Speed

You may come across some area where 4G/3G signal is weak and get annoyed by taking lots of time to load a web page. If your website is very light weighted, you may bring a better user experience to clients. There are lots of factors affecting the loading speed of a website, such as the server speed, the back-end language, etc. Recently Google has been pushing for a new style of coding structure for mobile page call AMP which is also known as Accelerated Mobile Pages project. If you follow this rule, your website would be cached by Google server. When users click on your website through Google, your website will be shown instantly. As you bring a better user experience to clients, Google will rank you higher in mobile search at the same time. 

Code Structure

A website can be built using lots of front-end frameworks, such as reactjs, angularjs and so on. Some of them control content display with javascript. Google is powerful enough to extract data from javascript frameworks but other search engines like baidu and may not be capable to index them. Choosing front-end frameworks for your website should take in a balance between functionality and search engine indexing. 

Structured Data

Structured data is an initiative launched in 2011 by Bing, Google and Yahoo to help search engines understand the website content. Unlike 10 years ago, search engines only can get to know a website by its keywords. Structured data help to define the specific object, such as the street name in an address, product name, product price, etc. 

Facebook Open Graph

Have you ever tried sharing an url on Facebook? Some may show photos, title and descriptions but some may just show the url. Facebook Open Graph is a coding standard for web developers to follow in order to perform the best styling for information sharing on Facebook. Facebook Open Graph also works on Linkedin and has become a must nowadays. 

Twitter Card

Twitter card is the same as Facebook Open Graph. It is a coding standard for web developers to set up sharing on Twitter with preset photos, title and description. Twitter is widely in America. If America is one of your target markets, Twitter Card is something cannot be missed.  
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